Interview on Moving Forward Podcast

Tag: author

  • Interview on Moving Forward Podcast

    Interview on Moving Forward Podcast

    Recently, I was interviewed on a podcast about my books and my author’s journey. It was both exciting and gratifying to be invited and to be interviewed by a celebrity. Yes, John Lim is a celebrity with an incredible resume—a Tedx speaker, actor, author, and voice artist, as well as an awesome podcaster. So, you…

  • Finding Your Author’s Voice

    Finding Your Author’s Voice

    Finding your voice is an answer to the question “Who is your reader?” Is this person looking for something serious, suspenseful, authoritative, humorous, spiritual, entertaining, dark, deep, light-hearted, or something else, that you may find parallels in a category on the booksellers’ shelves? Regardless of the central thread, your voice is uniquely you. It’s ironic how your…

  • Sneak Peek: Mistaken Identity

    Sneak Peek: Mistaken Identity

    As you know, this is the first book in the series currently being shopped to publishers by my literary agent. I was thrilled when she called to let me know that she wanted to represent my book. Of course, I was also over the moon when she shared that this first book in my SAT…

  • Setting Writing Goals

    Setting Writing Goals

    Every author has a differing and uniquely personal approach to writing. But authors share one process in common—setting and achieving word count goals. Your writing goals are everything. It’s how you get the ideas out of your head and on to the page.  But it’s not just about word count. Writing goals include pages completed,…

  • The Books That Started It All

    The Books That Started It All

    You know those books you remember fondly. The ones that you may read repeatedly, or that you remember from your youth. The books which inspired you to become a reader, a writer, a librarian, a publisher, an agent, or an author? Yeah, those. We all have them.  For me, several books inspired me to become…

  • Nourishing Seeds of Inspiration

    Nourishing Seeds of Inspiration

    We are inspired all the time by actions we take, mistakes we made, things we observe, people we meet, and well, life. These seeds of inspiration are often the impetus of a fascinating story. All authors weave personal experiences into their books, and many write entire tomes around these experiences.  It’s funny how my interest…

  • Plotter or Pantser? What About Quilter?

    Plotter or Pantser? What About Quilter?

    Authors love to chat about whether they’re a plotter or pantser. It’s an enlightening topic that pulls back the curtain to see how novels make the journey from idea to bookshelf.  Do you start your book by plotting out the scenes? Once you have a solid outline from opening image, through the various acts and…

  • Start With Your “Why?”

    Start With Your “Why?”

    Go back. Way back. Back to the day you decided you were going to write a novel. Why did you make that promise to yourself?  Did you think, “How hard can this be?” Did you want to become famous?  Did you covet J. K. Rowling’s lifestyle? Did you want bragging rights? BUZZ! Wrong answer. Though admittedly,…

  • When The Call Comes… Answer It!

    When The Call Comes… Answer It!

    Don’t Delay Writing The Story You’re Meant To Share With The World.  Every writer anticipates the phone call from a literary agent offering a partnership. Or that call from a publisher sharing the news that they’d like to publish your book. Of course, there’s the rare call from Oprah announcing your book has been selected…

  • Writing The Old-Fashioned Way

    Writing The Old-Fashioned Way

    I wrote my first novel longhand. No, I’m not that old that I didn’t have a laptop, but I didn’t have the sleek light-weight versions we do today. You’re probably wondering why I would do such a thing when I had a laptop and desktop in my apartment. Let me take you back a ways.…