Interesting thing. One of my books was picked up by a literary agent. Then after a while, it got the attention of three. Am I published? Not yet. But here’s the twist. Three agents within the same agency have offered their support and expertise. In other words, the agency has my back. 

This is incredibly flattering and speaks highly of the group of women who are working diligently on finding publishing homes for their clients’ work.

And since this is my first foray into working with a literary agency, I hope my book—Mistaken Identity: the first in the SAT Security & Investigation Series—has as good fortune with publishers as it seems to be having with literary agents.

I understand unexpected change, but this is a new one even for me.

It’s going to be an exciting ride and dare I say it, a very honoring (and flattering) walk alongside the agency, primarily the head of the agency, who wants me to stay with them. Wow! What a win. What will happen next? I’m excited to see so stick with me and let’s watch this unfold.

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