I recently spoke with a friend of mine about my decision to quit my job and step into the writing world full-time. When I told him that I’ve finally found the space in which I belong, I quickly followed it with an apology.

Jokingly, I’d admitted that now that I’m fully entrenched in the writing world, I don’t have as many “work-related” anecdotal stories like we used to share—unless he’s open to the fictional version. 

“I’m still getting my bearings,” I admitted, to which he replied, 

“If anyone will find their Eat, Pray, Love, Year, it will be you!”

As we laughed together, I realized he might be right. Finally ensconced in my ‘happy place,’ I guess I’m embarking on the bestselling journey. One filled with amazing opportunities, rife with wins—and losses—and the people?

Simply the best.

Stepping into writing full-time is akin to jumping off a cliff into a crystal blue ocean. The entry is a rush, but steel yourself for some serious waves. As the tides shift each day, I experience new emotions. And four months into this. I’m battling insecurities alongside villains, celebrating wins with my protagonists, and courageously fighting rejections, as I climb the slush-pile mountain. 

As I move onward and upward on this writing journey, eating (a lot), praying (a lot,) and loving every minute of it (and everyone that I’ve met), it’s a rush!

Will you join me? Who knows what we’ll discover tomorrow!

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