Two people celebrating together

As writers, authors, readers, and members of the literary world, we know the importance of supporting one another. While we don’t always do so—we are human after all—it is something that those in the realm of books do more often than not (at least that’s what I’ve experienced).

To give you a snapshot: Recently, I was at a conference for work (not related to writing) and I was amazed at how many people were tripping over others to be seen as the experts in the room. This ego-fueled experience drained me. But just around the corner was a Mystery Writers’ workshop. I was so tempted to flee my session on Neuro-agility to sit in the back row amidst the mystery writers and absorb the amazing energy that no doubt illuminated the room.

I know, I know, it’s a fun experience, but we need to remember that for many (or the few) this is a livelihood.

And while it takes blood, sweat, and tears to create a great book, these authors (along with all the attendees) were there to support and inspire the writers, authors, and readers in the room. I feel that it’s rare to find an unhappy person at a book or writers’ convention. There’s something about the power and energy of writing and reading that supports us and fuels us.

We need to remember that as writers and readers we should continue building this character behavior of helping one another to develop our strengths and honor when they are used. Take a book. The rewards to the author are numerous—the feeling of accomplishment, the honor of being able to tell a personal story, the opportunity to teach something, the gift of seeing others who believe in you and want to invest in your journey, and the knowledge that you’ve contributed to society in some way. While the critics will pounce, these rewards and the global book community are there to support you.

Remember, we have one thing that binds us together—books.

We all love and appreciate the power of the written word and what it takes to craft this journey and where it can transport us. Let’s continue to set the bar high for all industries by appreciating, encouraging, and supporting one another.

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