The Battle of L.A.

Three people are discovered in the middle of a Kentucky cornfield, barely clinging to life. All signs indicate they were victims of foul play. But there’s no evidence of a struggle, footprints, or hint of a perpetrator. The only thing these victims have in common is the sequential numbers on their cold case files from eighty years prior.

Where did they come from?

How did they get here?

How are they still alive?

These questions lead local authorities directly to Chase Stafford’s door. 

With only a failed marriage, lost custody of his son, and an unsuccessful bid for the LAPD Deputy Chief position to his credit, Los Angeles Homicide Detective, Chase Stafford is a broken and bitter man. After witnessing his partner killed by an IED, he’s never been the same. Survivor’s guilt and an ongoing stream of blackouts

Invited to serve on a government sanctioned Taskforce assigned to investigate the notion these victims may have been abducted by aliens. Not only are Chase’s hopes for redemption deflated, but he also believes this hoax is just another way to shine a light on his failings. Especially when he discovers his former rookie, and lost love, Rachel Jordan is his government liaison. Despite the way things ended, Rachel needs Chase’s skillset and his dogged determination to cut through the preternatural red tape and resolve this seemingly impossible investigation.